This wiki is supposed to document my knowledge and setup so I don't have to look things up twice. Since you stumbled upon it, I hope it helps you!
Keep in mind that the wiki is permanently under construction. Information might be wrong, incomplete, ... I'm not exactly getting paid to keep it up to date.
Backup of the wiki's contents is here.
List of all pages
- My:
- Dolphin - The emulator
- Interesting resources
- Games - Info for different games I want to keep
- Operating systems:
- webOS - LG TV OS
- How to's:
- Converting Wii's Bluetooth module to a USB dongle - for perfect Wii motes connection to the Dolphin emulator
- Creating a bootable flashdrive
- Electronics at component level
- eGovernment - For Czechia
- Geopricing
- Offensive - Attacking Wi-Fi, Rubber ducky, ...
- Raspberry Pi as fake mass storage
- System Administration
- System Basics
- Video Encoding
Contact me
If you wish to contact me, you can do so at following places:
- Email (and Google Chat) -
- Matrix(Riot) - - Am rarely active there
- Steam - C0rn3j
- Telegram - @C0rn3j
You will get the fastest response via Telegram and email.
SSH pubkeys (these are here mostly for myself):
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB23ddI/axXRkPe6WJ/8Vl1AHVrPOkMmaKfZ5Tt/Pd0y [2023-01-07]|ansible
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPR3/QA/+Kq1txg/APGQcpa3UradYnaaxSomDQamFDpH [2023-01-07]|c0rn3j
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIqnWQRCGgb6YDcbENshr2ElhDa82aGqYGT9kZ+EHqkc u0_a184@Xiaomi12
If I saved you some time, you can send a pizza my way by PayPal or pledge on the ghost town that is my Patreon account.
- Cryptocurrencies
- Matrix/Riot
- Kindle FW - Hush little baby
- Test page, Test page 2
- IntwTask
- Redirects: Operating systems, Software and services I use